Pyorrhea: what it is and how it affects dental health
Pyorrhea, or periodontitis, is a serious gum disease that affects the supporting tissues of the tooth, such as the gums, bone, and periodontal ligament. If not treated promptly, it can lead to tooth loss. Initial symptoms can be very mild, such as reddened and bleeding gums, but over time the situation can worsen, causing pain, gum recession, and tooth mobility. Pyorrhea should not be underestimated, as it can affect not only oral health but also general well-being.
The causes of pyorrhea: risk factors and symptoms
Pyorrhea is mainly caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar on the teeth, which irritate the gums and promote inflammation. Poor oral hygiene is the main risk factor, but other elements can contribute to the development of the disease, such as smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, genetic predisposition, and stress. Symptoms of pyorrhea include persistent halitosis, gums that bleed easily, gum retraction and, in more advanced cases, tooth loss. It is important to recognize the signs and intervene to prevent irreversible damage.
Remedies and treatments for pyorrhea
Treatment of pyorrhea begins with proper oral hygiene and removal of plaque and tartar through professional cleaning sessions (scaling). In more advanced cases, periodontal surgery may be necessary to eliminate gum pockets and preserve teeth. In addition, the patient should follow a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking and controlling any systemic diseases such as diabetes. A regular visit to the dentist is essential to monitor gum health and prevent relapse.
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